Shipping & Returns
Where We Ship
We ship to virtually every country in the world! That even includes APO/FPO, PO Boxes, and US Territories. To verify your country is included, just check the dropdown box at checkout.
Shipping Costs
United States: Shipping is FREE as long as the order is over $35. That's right, FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $35! No promotion code needed. Any order that falls under $35 will be billed a flat $5 shipping charge regardless of destination.Canada: Same as the US, shipping is FREE as long as the order is over $35. Any order that falls under $35 will be billed a flat $5 shipping charge regardless of destination. Please note, the Canadian government may charge additional duties and import taxes on our packages that we have no control over. Please check with your postal delivery service for additional information.
Rest of World: We charge a flat $16.95 shipping fee per order unless your order is over $100 USD, in which case shipping is free! Please note, some countries may charge additional duties and import taxes on our packages that we have no control over. Please check with your postal delivery service for additional information.
Estimated Shipping Time
Most orders to US addresses are generally delivered within 3-7 business days. Canadian orders are usually delivered within 10-14 business days, and all other international orders can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks.Return Policy
We want you to be happy with everything you purchase from us and make it easy to get your money back if you're not!If you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return any item (used or unused) within 30 days of purchase for a full refund (minus shipping costs).
You should expect to receive your refund to your original payment method within 4 weeks of giving your package to the return shipper, however, in many cases you'll receive a refund more quickly. This time period includes the transit time for us to receive your return from the shipper, the time it takes us to process your return once we receive it, and the time it takes your bank to process your refund request.
If you do need to return something, all you need to do is send us back the product and your packing slip. If you don't have your packing slip, just include your name and order number.
Here's where to send all returns:
Rakuten Super Logistics
Attention: Tanceuticals Returns
974 United Circle
Sparks, NV 89431
Other Shipping and Return Questions
If you still have any questions about shipping or returns, please send an email to